National Central Library Innovation and Service Development Learning Forum : Future Learning & Senseable City

我們已經身處在第四次工業革命的大浪潮,隨著大數據技術的成熟與人工智能的崛起,未來人類的學習模式與知識、資訊交流將跳脫傳統的感知限制,邁向更多元、虛擬、互動與智慧化邁進。本論壇將聚焦在這個議題上,從「文化探索」、「人工智慧」與「使用者經驗 / 體驗 (User Experience)」剖析新科技如何翻轉下個世代的學習效果。
We are already in the midst of the fourth industrial revolution. The advancement of big data technology as well as the rise of artificial intelligence have altered the human learning behavior as well as affecting how the city operates. The knowledge and information exchange will move away from the conventional physical search to the sensorial intelligence approach. This forum will discuss the change from the current state of mind in reacting to the "Cultural Exploration", "Artificial Wisdom" and "User Experience". This is a quest of how these new technologies is the changing human behavior the future learning pattern as well as rethinking the future of cities.